Austria left a lasting impression
Despite the trip taking us to so many amazing places, Austria was so staggeringly beautiful, that I could have stayed indefinitely.
16th August 2018
Words: Ben Seymour
Photos: Ben Seymour
Rapfen Alm : 1379m, built 1555
On the journey to our accomodation in Austria, I experienced a little apprehension. The trip consisted of many fantastic looking places to stay, but the Austrian chalet was the one that I was personally most looking forward to, and the one that I feared my struggle to live up to my hopes.
As we continued to drive up this steep gravel track, minute by minute, the views became ever more panoramic and filled us with wonder.
As you can see, when we eventually arrived at the accomodation we were met by one of the most glorious outlooks I have ever experienced, coupled with its isolated perch on the hillside, we all sensed a feeling of space and tranquility washing over us.

I could start every single day on this veranda.

I could start every single day of my life on this veranda.
Ever changing vistas
The changes in light throughout the day were often breathtaking, changing the textures and details of the distant mountains, but the sunsets were especially magical.

The time, space and amazing views seemed to tease out the creative yearnings in each of us.
Glancing out the back I spotted a dark rain cloud coming into view, and within 45 seconds a huge downpour came overhead. Sheltering under the back porch we then spent the next hour watching the shower make its way across the valley opposite.
Sudden downpour in Austria