Welcome to Storyus®
The family-friendly collaborative storytelling platform.
Words by: Jack Seymour, aged 11
Storyus is a family-friendly storytelling platform. Our main goal is to help inspire families (or individuals, or groups of friends) to do exciting things with their lives. Also, if you are like us and you often forget all the cool things you do, then Storyus is a good place where you can write them down. As well as that, when are commuting to work, to don't have to concentrate on the more boring things in life, because if you write just a single sentence about the weekend then you remember it more, and you can look forward to the amazing things you are going to do next weekend.
"if you write just a single sentence about the good times then you remember them more"
Jack wrote this impromptu note upon waking one morning, (when he was 11). It was waiting for me on my desk, and safe to say, it made my day.
[As I was typing it up, Jack was suggested edits, so I'm pretty much his Executive Assistant these days.]